G&N Brands announces its expansion in Mexico and the United States with the backing of Grupo Flecha Amarilla.


¡We continue to strengthen our expansion strategy!

At G&N Brands, we are very proud of this significant step we have taken to continue strengthening our expansion objective starting in 2024. This will allow us to broaden our portfolio by adding the Tommy Beans brand to the existing franchises in Mexico: Doggis and Barrio Chick’en, and replicate this success in the United States.

"We aim to be operating in the United States by 2025. We want to do it right, which is why we seek to replicate the success achieved in Mexico. The goal is to be operational by the end of the year, hopefully, but if we need to wait another quarter, there are no problems, because the idea is to do it right." highlighted Mariano Santiago, CFO of G&N Brands for PULSO as part of our plan to enter the United States, in addition to expanding our franchise agreement with Grupo Flecha Amarilla in Mexico to achieve 100 openings within 36 months.

We invite you to learn all the details here: https://www.latercera.com/pulso/noticia/matriz-de-doggis-alista-plan-para-arribar-a-eeuu-y-abrira-100-locales-en-mexico-en-tres-anos/X7KHU4ZPSFE7JO6G7YU5LXIV54/



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